Online Programs

With Jamaica Volunteer Programs Online, you can volunteer, intern, and study abroad all from the comfort of your home. Because you can’t travel, we are bringing online programs from Jamaica to you with exciting intercultural communication courses, remote internships, and the opportunity to work with the same children you would meet in Children Homes and schools.

If you are a student looking for internships, and on a budget, you can now launch your Global Career without booking a flight. With our customized Internship online, you can access a global network to gain international experience in your chosen industry. 

Want to Study Abroad with your class? Our online study abroad programs can complement your academic learning and provide credits for your student needs.

For schools seeking volunteering and  International Service Learning Programs, we can work with your virtual internship program and volunteer online experiences to provide live workshops, discussions with local experts, and other skills. 

Browse our Online Program and set yourself apart with an international education experience without leaving home and build professional skills for your resume.

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